MK&G Messe design
We have recently finished the design of new spatial concept of arts and crafts fair at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G Messe). In this project our aim was to make the experience more interesting for museum visitors and move away from the somewhat boring podium next to podium. We intended to create dynamic, organic and interesting movement through the space by integrating vertical high elements like the construction fences and ladders to break up the horizntal components.The concept was based on the use of construction site elements (fences, ladders, lashing straps etc.) that gave the space new recognizable identity. By painting these we wanted to abstract them, reduce to forms and colors and give it a new context. Answering to a big number of exhibitiors, we were able to use the space more efficiently and dynamically by placing the exhibition podiums at varying angles. Simultaneously, our use of construction fences delicately separate the space and at the same time create transparency.
Location: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg MK&G
Art of the project: fair design
Dates: 24-28 November 2021