Mobile Hospitality
The project mobile hospitality (Mobile Gastfreundschaft) pays attention to an important aspect of our design work – the responsibility and the self-initiative in public space. The city plays as a space a difficult role. On the one hand it does not belong to anyone, on the other hand it belongs to all, but it is merely used by us actively, as it was in former times. It has decreased to the background of our everyday activities. Responsibility for the outdoor space, for most of the residents stops at their garden fence. The project mobile hospitality starts just here.We were driving with the wheelbarrow kitchen, -table and ten folding stools from place to place to sit and eat in public space with spontaneously joining passers-by. At this big table, design meets delight and generates a very good opportunity to get to know each other.
The formal language of the objects is kept very clear and deals consciously with DIY aesthetics. All the objects are made out of massive wood and replenished with additional functions, like for example a foot pump for running water or pots with growing spices. An important aim for our design process was to bring a smile to people passing by and to communicate with very basic means the sensuality and delight of food-culture.
All the objects are foldable and mobile.
The project in form of a happening took place in 2011 in Dornbirn, Bregenz, Feldkirch and Vaduz and was supported by Art Design Feldkirch.
To see the booklet about the project please click: here
Blog about mobile hospitality: here
Project: 2011, Black edition: 2012, White edition realized with: NWW 2012
Materials: massive pine wood, linseed and orange oil finish
Dimensions: 76x118x110 cm (kitchen), 76x118x200 (kitchen,table and 8 stools packed)
Awards: DMY International Design Festival 2012 Award, NWW 2012 Award,
and recognition of outstanding design award 2012 for experimental design
In a collection of: MAK (Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst) Vienna and Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin
Mobile hospitality is available to order. If you are interesed in cooperation contact us via email